Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Something that I just internalized for the very first time. The Bible says that Jesus had to go through everything we go through. And maybe I never literally questioned that, but subconsciously, I know I did. Somehow it always seemed incongruous that Jesus could be completely sinless, yet understand what we go through each day. So here's something that blew my mind a little. Maybe yours will be a little blown too.

When Jesus was suffering on the cross, He did not just suffer a literal death in place of the death we deserve, He took our guilt and sin upon Himself. It was like He personally had done every single thing we had. He felt the feelings that we felt. He was literally inside of our sin. Jesus really does know what we go through. He understands, not just imagines, He actually knows.


At 20/9/05 2:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had to 're-discover' that fact quite a few times. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to forget it. Thanks for reminding me again!


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