Thursday, September 29, 2005

I do believe in fairies. I do. I do

So, how many of you still believe in fairy tales?

I do. I have received a few comments from someone who will remain nameless. (I'll give you a hint. His name starts with an "m" and ends with an "icah.") They were commenting on the dismal nature of my last several posts. While I still disagree, I thought I'd write something with more of an upbeat feel so as to appease the eternal optimists out there.

Personally, I think that fairy tales are the embodiment of hope. Anyone who believes in them has to concede that true love can happen, that life is not all dirt and sweat, and that living is more than just mere existence.

I would like to give fairy tale another name. Maybe "God tale?" I don't know. All I know is that I have seen absolutely phenomenal things happen when people believed that God had more for them than just what the world calls life, or even what most Christians call life.

Along those lines, a few months ago, I wrote my own fairy tale during a spate of insomnia. The aforementioned nameless person told me that I have to let other people read it. So, if you answer the question at the top, and give me your email, I'll send it to you. I'm not going to post it here. It's too long, for one thing, and I'm not quite ready to let just anyone and their bozo brother read it.

Tenn' enomentielva (Quenya, "until we meet again"


At 30/9/05 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annie, love the title for your mennodiscuss link. Fairy tales, I think the fairy tales teach us many great lessons. And they remind us that God is good. So, i guess that means i believe in fair tales

At 30/9/05 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

is your last name really spelled like that?

At 2/10/05 9:41 PM, Blogger Nic Miller said...

Thanks for the tip, Annie. Republishing worked. Wait, that's wierd. I never take computer-related tips from you...


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