Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Shouldn't we really say "snow person?"

First of all, I would like to thank all of my friends who made my birthday so awesome! I know some of them don't come here often, but at least cyberspace will know that I'm grateful!

I was listening to the radio this morning, and there was a short dramatization type thing at the beginning of some guy's program (which I didn't listen to), that kind of caught my attention.

Scenario: PTA meeting, public school, America

Woman gets up and announces the theme for this year's Winter Festival.
"Um, it's about this very sad snowman who tells the story about a little village full of snowpersons. Anyway, the snowpersons are all dying because there is no snow falling. The snow isn't falling anymore because of global warming. So then the children all come out to the town square and do the "Snow Chant Dance" so that the snow spirits will listen and send snow again..."

Sickening isn't it? Sorry, but every once in awhile (make that most of the time), I just get so tired of all of the political correctness in our society. In the words of Brad Stine, "If you can't handle it, then put a helmet on!"

"You see, I say Happy Holidays because I don't want to offend you just in case you don't believe in Christmas and only want to say Happy Holidays so that's why I just say Happy Holidays too. Blah blah blah."

Just say Merry Christmas all you want! If they don't want to, then they can say Happy Holidays! Sorry, but Jesus stepped on some toes too. I'm not saying you have to be blatantly obnoxious, but do we have to be politically correct?????? I don't plan to be.

On a happier note, I had an awesome weekend at work, people were extra nice (I guess because of it being Sweetest Day on Saturday) and everything was peachy. Only one blight marred the perfection. When it's that busy, you kind of forget to eat, and that gets pretty uncomfortable the next day when you realize that you forgot to eat supper the night before. It is possible!

Thought of the Day:
"Sydney or the bush!"---Farmer Ben, Tales of Moderation, Adventures in Odyssey


At 19/10/05 5:58 AM, Blogger Nic Miller said...

Good Job, Annie.


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