Saturday, January 07, 2006

Walking on the beach on foggy evening...

Yes, after a week of sojourning among the Floridans, I am back in sad, sorry, really cold, dreary Ohio. Because of this wonderful journey and the contemplative thoughts I contemplated, I have come to several conclusions.

1. Eating out every day puts a slight strain on the whole wallet thing.

2. Florida is only slightly less wonderful than Brasil.

3. It IS possible for me to get a tan, albeit a very small one.

4. It doesn't matter where you are as long as you're making happy memories.

5. I LOVE Spanish moss.

Now a few thoughts on the New Year. What is it about January 1st that just convinces you that somehow everything is wiped clean and you really will keep all those promises. You WILL keep that devotional program, you WILL stick to that diet. It's a powerful thing, this concept of the New Year. It deludes us all, myself included. But yet we do the same thing every year, making promises to ourselves with a mystifying hope that THIS will be the year that we keep them. Hope springs eternal. You know what that means? It means we're all suckers for fuzzy feelings of improvement. Thank God that He made us with the ability to hope. I think if we truly realized the entire scope of our predicament, there would be trouble. All I have to say is that although my idealistic ideas aren't practical in the least, I'm going to hold onto them anyway. I will continue to hold on to the idea of true unconditional love, of self-sacrifice, of destiny, if only for the sake of the dream.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Excruciating Relief

That pretty much explains it. Annie is done with all of her finals for this semester. Annie never has to take another English again. Like, in her entire life. Annie is done with Basic Structures and Functions (Anatomy & Physiology) forever. (Unless I flunked my final...) Yes, Annie is very happy. This is also why Annie is referring to herself in the third person. Now that I am out of English class for the rest of my life, I reserve the right to make all of my own grammatical rules.

A most emphatic and politically uncorrect MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

That's Amore.........

Okay, so the title really doesn't have a whole lot to do with the post.....

Due to the incredible response to my smiles post, I've decided to try for round two. I warn you though, the sequel is almost never as good as the original.

First of all, I'd like to post a few smiles from others.

The Uncomfortable Smile, by bachelorsurgeon-This smile is used when another member of your party does something that is supposed to be funny but is socially unacceptable. Look at the offender and pull the sides of your mouth outward and slightly upward. Hold for about two seconds, then suddenly relax your face to its former melancholy state and look away. Works like a charm. (I would add that it helps if you tense up your shoulders and wrinkle your forehead slightly.--Annie)

The Arguing Smile, by luciechick8,-The one that says, "I know I'm right and you're wrong but you are so far gone that I'm going to let you go with a smile." (Think pitying thoughts while you peform this helps immensely.--Annie)

Thanks guys!

The Obligatory Smile-very similar to "The Fake Smile" (see last post), but with even less enthusiasm. This smile is performed by simply squinting your eyes by pushing your cheeks up. This action will cause your lips to turn up slightly, but the effect says, "The only reason that this even resembles a smile is because the muscles attached to my cheeks are also attached to my lips."

The HappyHappyHappyHappyHappy Smile-eyebrows are slightly raised in order to let the eyes reflect more light (the "shining eyes" effect), actual smile varies according to person, some Happyx5 smiles can be accomplished with the mouth closed (think Toby Macguire as Spiderman), and others blend in with the 28 Dentis Smile (see last post). The difference is in the eyes and the personality of the person smiling. If a Toby Macguire type person is smiling like Julia Roberts, vast experience says that this is not a genuine Happyx5 Smile.

Well people, I would love to do more [obligatory smile] but I am all out of ideas. Bring it up again in a couple months.

By the way, those of you who have not made the effort to hear the song on my xanga site...MAKE THE EFFORT!!! It's fabulous. Sorry, I don't remember how to "linkify" the link.

Thought of the Day:

"When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool
That's amore
When you dance down the street with a cloud at your feet
You're in love"---Dean Martin

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Smiling..............and Nerds

I was thinking about a couple kind of weird things recently. Welcome along for the trip, even if it is only a mind trip.

Nerds: I was sitting in the computer lab the other day, and there were a couple guys at the same table talking. Naturally, I couldn't help hearing. One guy would be like "You'll never guess what So-and-so was trying to do! He was trying to put the dohickmajig where the thingamabob was supposed to go! And he didn't even know that a megabiticular driver javafibulator could take care of those annoying gigatixils*. Can you believe it?" Then they would both laugh hysterically. Then the other one (between fits of laughter) would be like, "Yesterday, I was just messing around on the Megabiticular Driver Tech Page, and I realized that I could hack in and change all of their gigatixels into megatrons." I LOVE NERDS!!!!! THEY'RE AWESOME!

*The technical language in this section is not as real as it appears.

Smiles: I was walking to class yesterday, and I had the uncomfortable misfortune of meeting someone at the door who was going the opposite direction. Eye contact is inevitable. So what do you do? You can't just look away, people are too antisocial to warrant giving a loud 'hello,' so we both employed what I now call the "compressed lips smile." And I started to think about smiles as I walked the rest of the way to class. There are so many types of smiles, and they all mean something so different from the I decided to put together a list of "smiles everyone should know how to perform."

Compressed Lip Smile-This is a rather wry smile. It basically says, "I'm here, and you're here, and I just happened to be looking at you and now feel obligated to acknowledge your presence." It can also be used as the "We're both in the same boat, dude." smile.

The 28 Dentis Smile-This one shows all of the teeth you do and don't have. Best used on Julia Roberts, but other people can use it too. This smile either says, "I'm reallyreallyreally excited about something!" or it says "This is a very sarcastic pretense of being reallyreallyreally excited about something!"

Contemplative Monk-Style Smile-To do this one, you will need to gaze thoughtfully at anything other than person you are talking to. Then turn up the corners of your mouth ever so slightly. This smile is very similar to the "Bittersweet Smile."

Bittersweet Smile-Basically involves thinking about something that both makes you happy and sad at the same time (especially effective when staring off into space-see above)

Adoring Smile-This smile is normally directed at a person and is best used when used in this manner. This smile says, "I think you are the most interesting, wonderful, amazing, beautiful, caring, sweet, (ad infinitum) person in the whole world! I can't believe you're standing here by me!" (used very frequently by dating and married couples)

Teasing Smile-one eyebrow is often slightly raised, this smile says "There is a double meaning in every word I say." Interchangeable and nearly indistinguishable from the "Flirting smile."

Flirting Smile-see above (only variation is that it is often accompanied by a suspicious lowering of the eyelid)

Fake Smile-eyes look bored, sad, or unimpressed, but lips are painfully stretched to form the outward semblitude of a smile (often will be much more extravagant than is necessary for the occassion)

There are many, many more, but this is enough for now. Perhaps I'll do a second installment later.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Wow. What a weekend.
Thursday night: Carita took me out for my birthday to a Mexican restaurant, and the owner paid for our food because he thought I was cute.
Resolved: I should go for more Mexicans???

Friday night: I was working at my restaurant, when one of the prep cooks in the back got splashed all over with barbecued rib sauce. She was hospitalized with first and second degree burns. Pray for her, she's got to be in a lot of pain.
Resolved: Annie will never be a prep cook, not with her luck. Also, God has been awesome to me getting me out of scrapes I don't deserve to be gotten out of.

Saturday morning: I drove to Plain City all by myself. (It's near Columbus.) I only had to turn around four times going down, and none going back. I did not experience any major instances of severe danger.
Resolved: I can drive after all.

Saturday afternoon: I had the pleasure and fright of meeting a guy who is freakishly like Micah.
Resolved: I'm not sure. It was just freakish.

Sunday night: Someone saw my new skirt and said I looked like a giant scrunchie.
Resolved: I laugh, but heartily disagree. It's an awesome skirt.

Thought of the Day:
"His hair didn't grow there, it like, died there. It is like a small animal died on his head. ---Marina Shenk on Donald Trump